What is Chiropractic Care?

The primary goal of chiropractic care is to keep you properly aligned from head to toe. Sound too simple? Really it's not. Technically, there is a lot that goes into achieving that goal, but in practice, in making you feel better, brighter and more enthusiastic about life, that's really what it all comes down to. By keeping everything in alignment, starting with your head, neck and shoulders, then working our way down through your upper, middle and lower back, and finally through your hips, legs and even your feet, we can give your body a solid foundation upon which to build a happier, healthier and stronger you!

Let's face it, when things are out of alignment, they just don't work right. If you've ever driven a car with the front wheels out of alignment, you know it's a constant battle to try to make it go straight. Is it possible to drive a car like that? Sure it is. Eventually you learn to adapt and compensate without even thinking about it. You may even come to forget about it entirely. But when things are out of alignment, over time it takes a toll. Your tires wear out sooner and parts that normally wouldn't need repair now need repair because of the extra strain they are put under when things are out of alignment.

Your body functions much like the car. When you're out of alignment, whether in your head, neck, back, hips, etc, it will make truly remarkable compensations in other areas to keep you going straight for as long as it can. Eventually though, your body will start to wear out from all the extra stress and strain. For some people symptoms show up as a headache, stiff neck or back pain. For others, symptoms can "come out of no where" and can be far more severe with agonizing, shooting pain. How many times have you heard of someone "throwing their back out"? Chances are you're reading this because it has happened to you!

But chiropractic care is about much more than just pain relief or prevention! It's about keeping your entire body functioning at its highest level. Did you know your central nervous system runs from your brain, down through every vertebrae (bone) of your spine, and controls literally everything your body does from breathing to brushing your teeth? When your spine isn't aligned properly, nerves can become pinched or irritated causing interference and miscommunication. By keeping your spine properly aligned, chiropractic care ensures that your brain can send and receive messages to and from every part of your body without issue. It's like the difference between making a cell phone call in an area with poor coverage, where you have to constantly ask, "Can you hear me now?" Or making a call in an area with great coverage, where it feels like the person is standing right next to you. Proper alignment equals great coverage!

If you're ready to feel better, brighter and more enthusiastic about life, then schedule your free consultation today to see how chiropractic care can help you achieve your goal.

3 Kinds of Care

Help Me Now!

This is when it hurts and you need relief right a way. Maybe you "threw your back out" and can't hardly move or maybe you woke up with a shooting pain in your neck. Whatever the symptom, we'll put together a plan to have you feeling better again. 

Getting Better

Now that you're starting to feel back to normal, we'll focus on keeping everything lined up and look at the best options for helping you stay that way moving forward. 

Feeling Good

Once you're feeling good, we recommend checking in periodically to to make sure you're feeling as happy, healthy and enthusiastic about life as you can.